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Monday, December 31, 2007

Behind the Scenes

I came across a wonderfully entertaining blog today called TheBrickRanch. It's awesome to see such a well written piece about Real Estate and the work that really goes into it.

Teri makes a great point about how going to a performance is just like Real Estate. All people on the outside see are the houses, the showings, and the final papers. Few get to see the work behind selling a house.

How do you get to the closing table? It’s juggling, it’s acrobatics, it’s high-wire balancing and double-jointed flexibility. It’s work, it’s experience, and it’s training. It’s theatre, it’s a circus, and yeah, it’s definitely real estate.

The experience and training are what really set you apart from the rest. It's the relationships you've built and the things you know.

As we enter 2008, the team at AgentCampus wishes you all a productive and profitable year. Thank you for entrusting your training to us this year. We look forward to many other years of training with you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Real Estate License? What?

I am on a weekly mailer from Google that let's me know what's going on in the Real Estate world. One thing I have noticed recently is an increase in blogs being posted with the title "How to Get Your Real Estate License"

If the posting isn't complete jibberish, then the instructions are specific to some state. One thing that we at are fully aware of is the fact that getting a real estate license is completely different dependent on your state. One state might require 210 hours for training to take their state test, another may not allow online training, and yet another may require specific courses to get your real estate license.

I am currently working on a guide for various states. A definitive "how to get your real estate license" that will cover your state. We are starting with the states we offer training in, but if you're nice and send me an email, I might be persuaded to do one in your state as well.

But always know, the best place to find out how to get your license is your state's real estate commission. Don't get duped into some fake program. Always remember each state is special. Look for something that is approved by your state before moving forward.


Monday, December 17, 2007

New York Still Going Strong

In the midst of all the hype about a declining market, New York is fighting back. The Times Union published a story about how the number of Realtors has increased over the past year.

Despite lowering sales and tougher entry regulations, the real estate business still seems like a good idea to New Yorkers. Especially the the chance to make something from the power of hard work. Not just time in an office.

I am just hoping that other states pick up this mentality as well. Foreclosures may be up, but the biggest power that can bring real estate back from the brink is the mindset of it's people. Get out there and talk up your profession. Tell them what you love about being a real estate agent.

Take the time this holiday season to do something special for others. People ultimately want to make a difference with their career. You can be the change in their life that they have been looking for.

Happy Holidays! And thanks New York for bringing back the joy of the season!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Foreclosure Boom = Real Estate Bust?

There have been numerous news stories about the increase in foreclosures. According to a press release from RealtyTrac, foreclosure rates were up 30% in Quarter 3 of 2007. This has caused a media frenzy about the people being foreclosed on and the status of the real estate market as a whole.

Is this foreclosure boom to blame for the recent lag in the real estate market? It seems that way. People see on TV that houses are foreclosing, prices dropping, and thinking "maybe real estate isn't the best thing to invest in right now with all this stuff going on. Maybe I really can't afford it, maybe it'll lose it's value if I buy now."

Like the stock market, the real estate market is an investment based (aka people based) market. We rely completely on the people of the world, nation, and states we live in. Their outlook makes all the difference to buying and selling decisions.

The US Council of Mayors released a similar report stating "The foreclosure crisis is no longer just about mortgages, entire neighborhoods are being negatively affected on several levels. This issue is now the number one economic challenge of many American cities."

This is not something that can be turned around immediately, but keeping your investors and clients up to date and educated about mortgage rates, budgeting, and other financial information is always in their best interest as well as yours.

Don't look at the recent declines in the market as "lost commission." See it more as an opportunity to fine tune your business. Reconnect with your clients, develop literature on mortgage rates and financial advice. Use your required real estate CE training hours to develop your business more. Look for the opportunities in the market for expansion of your business. Give it time, be positive, and the market will increase again.

Remember ... "Don't Worry. Be Happy."

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